March play read through

In March we will be doing two one act plays.

The dates for performance are 2nd to the 4th of March 2017 and the plays are

Easy Stages by Nick Warburton

In this comedy the action focuses on the efforts of the backstage crew to play their part in an amateur dramatic society's production of Hamlet. As Gerry the stage manager observes ' moving furniture has always been a sight more difficult than moving actors' The play is a subtle parody of the backstage goings on of the society and chaos ensues. (3 4 women)men and

The second is

The Fat Lady Sings in Little Grimley by David Tristram

The committee of four are back to tackle yet another threat to their survival- this time in the shape of a rival amateur dramatic society , newly formed, in their village determined to upstage them with an award winning musical. The querulous quartet pull together to devise a plan that doesn't, well, go quite to plan. Could this finally be the end of their society- it isn't over till the fat lady sings. (2 men and 2 women)

We are having a read through in the bar on Tuesday November 8th at 7.30 and will cast from that read through - anyone who is interested is welcome to join us.

Show dates: 08/11/2016 - 08/11/2016